Monday, November 29, 2010

what i wore...22-28th

Sorry for the lack of pics this week i was kinda busy.....
Monday: shirt: American eagle, jeans:American eagle, white tee: target, black tank: target, cross necklace: gift from Kohls (it is there even if you cant see it (: ) i love this necklace i got it for Christmas last year from my parents its a little cross that says "live by faith not by sight'' in tiny lettering i will have to get a better pic of it sometime
what i did: school, bright lights (we are doing a really good study right now that has caused me to ask myself some questions i plan on posting further on this)
Tuesday what i did: work and Spanish
Wednesday: i had to go with my mom to the eye doctor and and drive her back. and then i went to my Grandma Stewart and visited her for a while and then my aunt and cousins came from Kansas. Then I went to work and my other Grandmas. and then at night we went to Grandma Stewarts again and ate supper with everyone.
Thursday: thanksgiving! i wanted to wear something thanksgiving..ish and this is what i came up with. in the future i will never wear this shirt and those jeans together again i just don't like the way they look together. but anyway shirt: target (this is 1 of 2 things i have that's orange its really not my color but the purple pulls it together i think) jeans: buckle (these are my fav jeans i don't think they do the shirt justice though..) oh well we all have those days when we don't really like what we picked out to wear.....right? i hope ''we'' do i hate to think I'm the only one. eek! black flats: a store in town. (I'm in love with these shoes! i would love to wear them more except they hurt my feet! lol)
what i did: we went to my grandparents on my moms side and ate and ate and ate and...yeah you get it. and then we came home and played games and watched a movie.
Friday: Stewart family tradition every black Friday we go to Ankeny and do a little shopping and then out to eat for breakfast at IHOP.then we go to get our Christmas tree! and then come home play games and watch movies. its a fun day all around :)
Saturday: shirt: ISU book store in Ames, jeans:Plato's closet, necklace:i know you cant see it but its there it was a gift, hair pin:target on black Friday! love it!
what i did: since i was lacking in sleep the last couple of days i slept in and then i worked (at the library) from 12-5. long day! but i got some movies ( new in town, and the new movie that came out this year Amelia) at work and came home and stayed up late and watched them (since i was all caught up on my sleep. :P)
Sunday: Me,Dad,Grace,Phoebe,and Thad went to church (Zach and Jeb were sick and mom stayed with them) but we left early because Thad didn't feel well.


  1. Lovely outfits, Jayde! All three are lovely! Thanks for sharing!

    Joyfully in Jesus,
    P.S. I'd love to see the post about Bright Lights you mentioned...sounds wonderful.

  2. Jayde: haha I love your blog. It's so cute :)

    Yeah - Ditto what Elizabeth said! And you need to tell me about Caroling!!

    Love ya,
