Friday, November 5, 2010

I got the idea for the name of this blog from an ISU billboard that i saw. It said: fashion,fencing,film,friends. and i thought it was so cool we turned around so i could take a pic of it! and if i knew how i would post the pic on here but i don't so oh well. ;) anyway i thought it was neat because 1: i LOVE fashion! and i want to go into a career in fashion (I'm not exactly sure what yet though) 2:i fence. and i know what your thinking: "how could anyone that's such a fashion freak wear that hideous uniform to fence?!'' or maybe you don't even know what you wear to fence. lol sometime ill post a pic of me in it.3:there is really not much to be said for this one who doesn't love friends?! lol and 4:the only one i don't have anything to do with is film.
a couple of weeks ago my mom told me about a blog that she found. It was about a lady who did a ''what i wore Wednesday'' when she would post what she wore every day last week. and then she found a girl that is 14 that also did it. so i going to do that except I'm going to to do a ''what i wore Monday'' because my Wednesdays are pretty crammed so every Monday i will post what i wore all the last week. if nothing else it will help me not to wear the same thing in the same week because i sometimes become lazy and say to myself ''no one's going to know'' but now you will! but be warned every second monday is my pj day because i have nothing going on that day and im not going to change that. :


  1. I'm so glad you started a blog, Jayde! It'll be fun to read your posts and read about your recent happenings! It was nice to see you yesterday...hopefully we can see each other again soon! Thanks for commenting on my blog!
    Oh, and I love your new design!!

    Joyfully in Jesus,

  2. Hi Jayde!
    I read the comment you left on Elizabeth's blog saying you were starting blogging again, and I thought I'd come check it out. =) I haven't seen you for a while, so it will be good to keep in touch this way! =)
    Looking forward to your next post!
