Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Thursday: shirt: Scheels (i know i said it was from Buckle the last time i wore it. oops!) sweatshirt:American eagle (LOVE it!) jeans: Buckle shoes:target necklace: gift bracelet:Buckle what i did: worked for grandma and then i went to my friend Jessie's birthday party and had a really great time bowling!
Friday: we had a homeschool thing were we went and made crafts and went to a nursing home and sang and gave them to the residents. :) then i had to work. i did have another birthday party today but had to work. lol
Saturday: went to watch Phoebe and Zach play b-ball. and then...i went to work... again. lol.
Sunday: Church was cancelled this week due to weather so we stayed home snowed and and did nothing really. lol it was great! though i was really sad that we didn't have church :(.....but this was the first Sunday in my life that i got t sleep in till 10! and i needed the sleep i had had late nights that week.


  1. Thanks for sharing, Jayde! Our time on Sunday at chapel was cancelled, too, because of the snow, but I'm glad our children's choir concert didn't get cancelled, as it was loads of fun and memories! The Lord provided wonderfully.

    Thanks for sharing your outfits!

  2. cute outfit--my daughter would love it! really like your shoes and that bracelet!
